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Capacity (ltr)
Engine (P)
Qualsyn MS FS 5W20 ECO
Transmission (Automatic) (5-speed & 4WD)
Qualube FS ATF MF
6.2 / 16.0 (a, b, c, d)
Transmission (Automatic) (5-speed & RWD)
Qualube FS ATF MF
5.2 / 14.0 (e, f, g, h)
Transmission (Automatic) (8-speed)
Contact with our Technical Team (m)
8.3 / 9.0 (i, j, k, l)
Transmission (Automatic) (6-speed & 4WD)
Qualube FS ATF MF
Transmission (Automatic) (6-speed & RWD)
Qualube FS ATF MF
Differential - rear (Code: 310RBI)
1.1 / 1.4 / 1.6 / 1.9 / 2.2 / 2.5 / 4.2 / 5.2 / 6.2 / 6.6 / 8.3 (n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y)
Differential - rear (Code: [267 AA|292 AA])
Product 1
Qualube SS 75W90
1.1 / 1.4 / 1.6 / 1.9 / 2.2 / 2.5 / 4.2 / 5.2 / 6.2 / 6.6 / 8.3 (z, aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, gg, hh, ii, jj, kk)
Product 2
Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90
Differential - rear (Code: C235)
Qualube Syntogear SA 75W-140
1.1 / 1.4 / 1.6 / 1.9 / 2.2 / 2.5 / 4.2 / 5.2 / 6.2 / 6.6 / 8.3 (ll, mm, nn, oo, pp, qq, rr, ss, tt, uu, vv, ww)
Qualube Qualguard ORATEC Coolant
15.0 / 17.3
Brake system
Product 1
Qualube Brake Fluid DOT4 (xx, yy)
Product 2
Qualube Brake Fluid DOT5.1
Power Steering
Qualube FS ATF MF
Air conditioning
Contact with our Technical Team

Lubricant / Capacity Notes

a. Gearbox refill, 6.2 litres
b. Gearbox refill after overhaul, 16.0 litres
c. Gearbox refill after overhaul, 16.9 qt
d. Gearbox refill, 6.5 qt
e. Gearbox refill, 5.2 litres
f. Gearbox refill after overhaul, 14.0 litres
g. Gearbox refill after overhaul, 14.8 qt
h. Gearbox refill, 5.5 qt
i. Gearbox refill after overhaul, 9.0 litres
j. Gearbox refill, 8.3 litres
k. Gearbox refill after overhaul, 9.5 qt
l. Gearbox refill, 8.8 qt
m. Alternative recommendations: Contact with our Technical Team
n. Gearbox refill, 8.3 litres
o. Differential refill, 4.2 litres
p. Transfer box refill, 1.4 litres
q. Differential refill, 2.5 litres
r. Gearbox refill, 5.2 litres
s. Transfer box refill, 1.9 litres
t. Differential refill, 2.2 litres
u. Gearbox refill, 6.2 litres
v. Differential refill, 1.1 litres
w. Differential refill, 6.6 litres
x. Transfer box refill, 1.6 litres
y. Differential refill, 7.0 qt
z. Differential refill, 6.6 litres
aa. Gearbox refill, 6.2 litres
bb. Differential refill, 4.2 litres
cc. Gearbox refill, 5.2 litres
dd. Transfer box refill, 1.9 litres
ee. Differential refill, 1.1 litres
ff. Differential refill, 2.5 litres
gg. Transfer box refill, 1.4 litres
hh. Differential refill, 2.2 litres
ii. Transfer box refill, 1.6 litres
jj. Gearbox refill, 8.3 litres
kk. Differential refill, 2.6 qt
ll. Transfer box refill, 1.4 litres
mm. Gearbox refill, 6.2 litres
nn. Differential refill, 2.5 litres
oo. Differential refill, 1.1 litres
pp. Transfer box refill, 1.9 litres
qq. Gearbox refill, 5.2 litres
rr. Differential refill, 2.2 litres
ss. Differential refill, 4.2 litres
tt. Differential refill, 6.6 litres
uu. Gearbox refill, 8.3 litres
vv. Transfer box refill, 1.6 litres
ww. Differential refill, 2.3 qt
xx. Preferred lubricant specification
yy. Alternative recommendations: Qualube Brake Fluid DOT4 / Qualube Brake Fluid DOT5.1

General Notes

There are no notes to display for this model

Oil Change Intervals

Engine (P)
Miles Max 10000
Months Max 12
Miles Max 150000
Months Max 120