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Capacity (ltr)
Engine (D) (With Diesel Particulate Filter)
Product 1
Qualsyn MS FS 5W30 C3 (b, c, d)
Product 2
Qualsyn MS FS 5W30 VAG
Engine (D) (Without Diesel Particulate Filter)
Qualsyn MS FS 5W30 C3 (f, g, h)
Transmission (Manual) (Code: 711.680)
Product 1
Qualube LS HD EP 90 (i, j)
2.1 / 2.45
Product 2
Qualube LS HD EP 80W90
Transmission (Manual) (Code: 711.685)
Product 1
Qualube LS HD EP 90 (k, l)
2.6 / 3.25
Product 2
Qualube LS HD EP 80W90
Transmission (Automatic) (7-speed)
Qualube FS ATF MF
5.5 / 9.0
Transmission (Manual) (Code: 711.651)
Qualube Syntogear 75W80 FE (m, n)
1.5 / 1.75
Transmission (Manual) (Code: 711.660)
Qualube Syntogear 75W80 FE (o, p)
2.0 / 2.5
Transmission (Automatic) (5-speed)
Qualube FS ATF MF
5.5 / 7.1
Differential - rear (Code: [741.412|741.413|741.414|741.416|741.420|741.428|741.429])
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 (q)
Differential - rear (Code: 741.415)
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 (r)
Differential - rear (Code: [741.421|741.422|741.453|741.454|741.455])
Contact with our Technical Team
Differential - rear (Code: 741.423)
Contact with our Technical Team
Axle (Code: 741.417)
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 (s, t, u)
Axle (Code: 741.415)
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 (v, w, x)
Axle (Code: [741.412|741.413|741.414|741.416|741.420|741.428|741.429])
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 (y, z, ba)
Axle (Code: [741.421|741.422|741.453|741.454|741.455])
Contact with our Technical Team (bb, bc)
Axle (Code: 741.423)
Contact with our Technical Team (bd, be)
Product 1
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 (bf)
Product 2
Qualube SS 75W90
Product 1
Qualube Qualguard ORATEC Coolant (bg, bh, bi, bj)
Product 2
Qualube Qualguard HD5X Coolant
Brake system
Product 1
Qualube Brake Fluid DOT4 (bk, bl)
Product 2
Qualube Brake Fluid DOT5.1
Power Steering
Qualube FS ATF MF
Air conditioning
(bm, bn, bo)
Contact with our Technical Team (bp, bq)

Lubricant / Capacity Notes

a. Service Indicator: oil change interval varies with driving conditions
b. >-25°C
c. Alternative recommendations, All temperatures: Contact with our Technical Team
d. Alternative recommendations, >-25°C: Qualsyn MS FS 5W30 C3; Qualube Supremol 5W30; Contact with our Technical Team
e. Service Indicator: oil change interval varies with driving conditions
f. >-25°C
g. Alternative recommendations, All temperatures: Contact with our Technical Team
h. Alternative recommendations, >-25°C: Qualsyn MS FS 5W30 C3 / Qualsyn MS FS 5W30 VAG; Contact with our Technical Team; Qualsyn MS FS 5W30 C3; Qualsyn PCMO FS 5W30; Qualube Supremol 5W30; Qualube FS Extendol 5W30; Motul 8100 X-Cess 5W-40; Qualsyn PCMO FS 5W40
i. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.986: no information available
j. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.990: 200000 miles, 120 months
k. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.986: no information available
l. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.990: 200000 miles, 120 months
m. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.986: no information available
n. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.990: 200000 miles, 120 months
o. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.986: no information available
p. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.990: 200000 miles, 120 months
q. Alternative recommendations: Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90
r. Alternative recommendations: Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90
s. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.986: no information available
t. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.990: 200000 miles, 120 months
u. Alternative recommendations: Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90
v. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.986: no information available
w. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.990: 200000 miles, 120 months
x. Alternative recommendations: Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90
y. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.986: no information available
z. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.990: 200000 miles, 120 months
ba. Alternative recommendations: Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90
bb. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.986: no information available
bc. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.990: 200000 miles, 120 months
bd. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.986: no information available
be. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.990: 200000 miles, 120 months
bf. Alternative recommendations: Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90
bg. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.986: no information available
bh. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.990: 200000 miles, 180 months
bi. De-ionised water with 50% anti-freeze & >-37°C
bj. Alternative recommendations, Note: Do not dilute the coolant!, >-37°C: Qualube Qualguard ORATEC Coolant
bk. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.986: no information available
bl. Change intervals, Engine Code: OM 646.990: 24 months
bm. With climate control, 800 g
bn. Without rear air conditioning, 1,030 g
bo. With rear air conditioning, 1,190 g
bp. Bock/Bitzer
bq. Alternative recommendations, Except Bock/Bitzer: Contact with our Technical Team

General Notes

There are no notes to display for this model

Oil Change Intervals

Miles Max 200000
Months Max 120