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Capacity (ltr)
Engine (DT) (OM470, 265kW: 470.9 series)
Product 1
Qualube Supremol 10W40 (a, b, c)
Product 2
Qualube Masterfleet HD FS 10W40
Engine (DT) (OM470, 265kW: 470.9 series with Code M5M from 06/2017 - Up [DT])
Qualube Super HDFE 5W-30 (d, e, f)
Transmission (Powershift3 G211-12, 715.352/360; without Code 7A. Up to 30.04.17)
Contact with our Technical Team
10.0 / 11.0
Transmission (G211-12, 715.352/360; (S/N 01806310 - Up); with Code 7A & without Code GO14; (Up to 30.04.17))
Contact with our Technical Team
11.0 - 12.0
Transmission (Powershift3 G211-12, 715.352/360 with Code GO14; from 01.05.17)
Contact with our Technical Team
8.0 - 9.0
Transmission (Powershift3 G211-12, 715.352/360 without Code GO14; from 01.05.17)
Contact with our Technical Team
11.0 - 12.0
Transmission (Powershift3 G211-12, 715.352/360; (S/N 01806310 - Up); with Code 7A & GO14; (Up to 30.04.17))
Contact with our Technical Team
8.0 - 9.0
Differential (MB R440; series)
Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90 (g)
8.0 - 14.0
Coolant (without/with retarder)
Product 1
Qualube Qualguard Si-OAT Coolant (h, i)
50.0 / 70.0
Product 2
Qualube Qualguard ORATEC Coolant
Qualube Brake Fluid DOT4
Power Steering
Qualube FS ATF MF (j)

Lubricant / Capacity Notes

a. -20°C to >30°C
b. Alternative recommendations, -25°C to >30°C: Qualube Supremol 5W30
c. Alternative recommendations, -20°C to >30°C: Qualube Supremol 5W30
d. -5°C to >30°C
e. Alternative recommendations, -25°C to >30°C: Qualube Supremol 5W30
f. Alternative recommendations, -20°C to >30°C: Qualube Supremol 5W30; Qualube Supremol 10W40 / Qualube Masterfleet HD FS 10W40
g. Alternative recommendations: Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90
h. Mix ratio, 50% >-37°C
i. Alternative recommendations, Mix ratio 50% >-37°C: Qualube Qualguard Si-OAT Coolant
j. Alternative recommendations: Qualube FS ATF MF

General Notes

There are no notes to display for this model

Oil Change Intervals

Coolant (without/with retarder)
Months Max 36
Months Max 24