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Capacity (ltr)
Engine (DT) (A09C-VD, 9L 6cyl, 300-360hp, EGR+SCR)
Product 1
Qualube Extremol FS 10W30 (a)
Product 2
Qualube Supremol 5W30
Transmission (Allison 3000/3500RDS/3000HS - 6 Speed (Shallow/Standard Pan))
Qualube FS ATF MF (b)
25.0 / 28.0
Rear Differential (Dana S21-172 / S23-172)
Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90 (c)
Product 1
Qualube Qualguard Si-OAT Coolant (d)
Product 2
Qualube Qualguard ORATEC Coolant
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank
Contact with our Technical Team

Lubricant / Capacity Notes

a. Alternative recommendations: Qualube Super HDFE 5W-30 / Qualube Supremol 5W30; Qualube Extremol FS 10W30
b. Alternative recommendations: Contact with our Technical Team; Qualube ATF Type D3 / Qualube FS ATF MF
c. Alternative recommendations: Qualube SS 75W90 / Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90; Qualube Syntogear SA 75W-140; Qualube HD EP 80W90 / Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 / Qualube LS HD EP 80W90; Qualube Syntogear SA 75W-140 / Qualube HD EP 85W140 / Qualube LSHDEP 85W140
d. Mix ratio, 50%

General Notes

There are no notes to display for this model

Oil Change Intervals

Engine (DT) (A09C-VD, 9L 6cyl, 300-360hp, EGR+SCR)
Miles Max 28125
Transmission (Allison 3000/3500RDS/3000HS - 6 Speed (Shallow/Standard Pan))
Miles Min 150000
Miles Max 300000
Months Max 48
Hours Max 6000
Rear Differential (Dana S21-172 / S23-172)
Miles Max 120000
Months Max 12
Miles Max 225000
Months Max 36