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Capacity (ltr)
Engine (P) (7.3L, PFI V8, 350hp)
Contact with our Technical Team (a, b)
Transmission (6R140 - 6 Speed)
Qualube FS ATF MF
Differential (Dana Spicer S-140 (13.5K, 17.5K, 19K single-speed))
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 (c)
Differential (Dana Eaton 21060S / 21065T/P (21K single-speed / two-speed).)
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 (d)
10.6 / 16.6
Differential (Dana Spicer S23-172 / S26-190 (23K, 26K single-speed))
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 (e)
13.5 / 17.5
Coolant (6.7L Engine (Secondary / Primary system))
Contact with our Technical Team
14.3 / 33.2
Coolant (7.3L Engine)
Contact with our Technical Team
Brake Fluid
Qualube Brake Fluid DOT5.1
Power Steering (TAS40/TAS66)
Qualube FS ATF MF
4.9 / 5.8
Front Wheel Bearings
Contact with our Technical Team
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Tank
Contact with our Technical Team

Lubricant / Capacity Notes

a. Alternative recommendations: Contact with our Technical Team
b. Alternative recommendations, <-30°C: Contact with our Technical Team
c. Alternative recommendations: Contact with our Technical Team
d. Alternative recommendations: Contact with our Technical Team
e. Alternative recommendations: Contact with our Technical Team

General Notes

There are no notes to display for this model

Oil Change Intervals

Engine (P) (7.3L, PFI V8, 350hp)
Miles Max 10000
Months Max 12
Hours Max 450
Transmission (6R140 - 6 Speed)
Miles Max 150000
Differential (Dana Spicer S-140 (13.5K, 17.5K, 19K single-speed))
Miles Min 100000
Miles Max 105000
Differential (Dana Eaton 21060S / 21065T/P (21K single-speed / two-speed).)
Miles Min 100000
Miles Max 105000
Differential (Dana Spicer S23-172 / S26-190 (23K, 26K single-speed))
Miles Min 100000
Miles Max 105000
Coolant (6.7L Engine (Secondary / Primary system))
Miles Max 100000
Months Max 60
Coolant (7.3L Engine)
Miles Max 100000
Months Max 60