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Capacity (ltr)
Engine (D / DT)
Product 1
Qualube Endurol 15W40 (a, b, c)
Product 2
Qualube Eurofleet 15W40
Product 3
Qualube Extremol 10W40

Lubricant / Capacity Notes

a. Alternative viscosity: above -15°C, 15W-40; below-15°C down to -20°C, 10W-30; down to -30°C, synthetic 5W-40. For engines which operate in Arctic conditions, below -30°C, contact the Service Dept. at Perkins Engine Company Limited at Shrewsbury
b. Diesel engine fuel quality: on-highway, BS EN 590 1997 max. sulphur content 0.05%, fuel lubricity standard using HFFR (CEC F-06-A96) 460 microns. Off-highway, BS 2896: part 2 1998 Class A2 max. sulphur content 0.2%
c. Coolant: Use 50% inhibited ethylene glycol or propylene glycol in clean, soft water. Products should conform to BS 6580-1992 and must be based on sodium nitrite, sodium benzoate, sodium borate, sodium metasilicate and benzotriazole. Amines or phosphates must not be used. Marine engines and engines using aluminium water cooled exhaust manifolds must use BASF 007/400F or Perkins own product. Where antifreeze is not used, consult Perkins (Shrewsbury) for alternative inhibitor systems

General Notes

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Oil Change Intervals

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