Qualube Endurol 15W40
is recommended for your JOHN DEERE
All our lubricants are designed to meet all the required standards and requirements of the Original Equipment Manufacturers, as well as ensuring the latest ACEA and API quality recommendations. If you need any help choosing or locating the right oil for your engine or equipment please contact us and we will be happy to help.
Engine (D / DT)
Product 1
Qualube Endurol 15W40
Product 2
Qualube Eurofleet 15W40
Product 3
Qualube Extremol 10W40
- a. Oil change interval can be extended using John Deere PLUS-50 or E4/E5 with specified John Deere filters, up to a maximum of 500 hours. Without specified filters change engine oil and filters at the normal service interval
- b. During engine run-in use John Deere Engine Break-in Oil. Alternatively engine oils to CE/E1/D4 may be used during the first 100 hours of engine use
- c. Multigrade engine oils are preferred. Synthetic engine oils are also suitable
- d. Alternative recommendations, -40°C to 50°C: Contact with our Technical Team
- e. Alternative recommendations, -30°C to 40°C: Contact with our Technical Team
- f. Alternative recommendations, -25°C to 50°C: Qualube Extremol 10W40 / Qualube Endurasyn SS 10W-40 / Qualube Extendol 10W40
- g. Alternative recommendations, -25°C to 40°C: Qualube Extremol FS 10W30 / Qualube Endurasyn SS 10W-30
- h. Alternative recommendations, -20°C to 50°C: Qualube Endurol 15W40 / Qualube Eurofleet 15W40 / Qualube Extremol 10W40
- Fuel sulphur content greater than 0.5% results in oil change intervals reduced by half
Product 1
Qualube Qualguard Si-OAT Coolant
Product 2
Qualube Universal Antifreeze
Product 3
Qualube Qualguard ORATEC Coolant
- i. Cooling systems: Do not use automotive type coolants. John Deere products strongly recommended. Use Qualube Qualguard Si-OAT Coolant / Qualube Universal Antifreeze / Qualube Qualguard ORATEC Coolant at a concentration of 40% mixture of concentrate with quality water and approved supplemental coolant additives for all year operation. Alternative specification; low silicate ethylene glycol based coolant for heavy duty diesel engines to Qualube Qualguard Si-OAT Coolant / Qualube Universal Antifreeze / Qualube Qualguard ORATEC CoolantTM D5345 (pre-diluted) or Qualube Qualguard Si-OAT Coolant / Qualube Universal Antifreeze / Qualube Qualguard ORATEC CoolantTM D4985 (concentrate) plus supplemental coolant additives
- Fuel sulphur content greater than 0.5% results in oil change intervals reduced by half
Oil Change Intervals
There is no Oil Change Interval data to display for this model