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Capacity (ltr)
Engine (D)
Product 1
Qualube Endurol 15W40 (a, b, c, d, e)
Product 2
Qualube Eurofleet 15W40
Product 3
Qualube Extremol 15W40
Product 1
Qualube Qualguard Si-OAT Coolant
Product 2
Qualube Qualguard ORATEC Coolant

Lubricant / Capacity Notes

a. >-12°C
b. Alternative recommendations: Qualube Endurol 15W40 / Qualube Eurofleet 15W40 / Qualube Extremol 10W40
c. Alternative recommendations, -18°C to 38°C: Qualube Extremol 10W40 / Qualube Extremol FS 10W30 / Qualube Endurasyn SS 10W-40
d. Alternative recommendations, >0°C: Qualube Extremol FS 10W30 / Qualube Endurasyn SS 10W-30
e. Alternative recommendations, <10°C: Contact with our Technical Team

General Notes

1. Synthetic oils, API category III, are recommended for ambient temperatures consistently below -25°C. Synthetic engine oils of 0W-30 viscosity may be used where ambient temperature does not exceed 0°C. Mineral oils are preferred, synthetic or part synthetic oils must not be used for break-in
2. Friction modified oils must not be used unless evidence of satisfactory performance in Cummins engines can be substantiated. Special break-in oils should not be used

Oil Change Intervals

Engine (D)
Months Max 24
Hours Max 150
Months Max 24
Hours Max 1000