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Capacity (ltr)
Engine (DT)
Qualube Endurol 15W40 (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
Automatic Transmission (W4B 035 <= #5733)
Qualube FS ATF MF
Automatic Transmission (W4B 035 >= #5734)
Product 1
Qualube ATF Type D3
Product 2
Qualube FS ATF MF
Manual Transmission (G2/27)
Product 1
Qualube FS ATF MF
Product 2
Qualube EP 80
Product 3
Qualube EP 90
Manual Transmission (G3/45 / G3/55)
Contact with our Technical Team (j)
Qualube FS ATF MF (k)
Product 1
Qualube HD EP 90 (l)
Product 2
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90
Brake & Clutch Fluid
Qualube Brake Fluid DOT4
Mechanical Steering (where fitted)
Qualube FS ATF MF
Power Steering
Product 1
Qualube ATF Type D3
Product 2
Qualube FS ATF MF
Wheel Hub Bearings, Universal Joints, Grease Points
Product 1
Qualube Lithium EP 2
Product 2
Qualube Lithium Complex 2
Auto Transmission, except W4B 035
Product 1
Qualube ATF Type D3
Product 2
Qualube FS ATF MF
Centralised Lubrication System
Contact with our Technical Team

Lubricant / Capacity Notes

a. Alternative recommendations, Engine (Diesel), 300/400 Series, <-25°C to >30°C: Contact with our Technical Team
b. Alternative recommendations, Engine (Diesel), 300/400 Series, <-25°C to 15°C: Contact with our Technical Team
c. Alternative recommendations, Engine (Diesel), 300/400 Series, -20°C to >30°C: Contact with our Technical Team
d. Alternative recommendations, Engine (Diesel), 300/400 Series, -20°C to 0°C: Contact with our Technical Team
e. Alternative recommendations, Engine (Diesel), 300/400 Series, -15°C to >30°C: Qualube Endurol 15W40
f. Alternative recommendations, Engine (Diesel), 300/400 Series, -10°C to 15°C: Contact with our Technical Team
g. Alternative recommendations, Engine (Diesel), 300/400 Series, -5°C to >30°C: Qualube Endurol 15W40
h. Alternative recommendations, Engine (Diesel), 300/400 Series, -5°C to 25°C: Contact with our Technical Team
i. Alternative recommendations, Engine (Diesel), 300/400 Series, >20°C: Qualube Endurol 15W40
j. Alternative recommendations: Contact with our Technical Team
k. Manual gearboxes G3/50 and G3/60 up to Nos. 110147 and 146641 respectively (finned castings): Qualube FS ATF MF. Later models (smooth castings): Qualube EP 80 / Qualube EP 90 / Qualube HD EP 80
l. Alternative recommendations: Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90

General Notes

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Oil Change Intervals

There is no Oil Change Interval data to display for this model