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Capacity (ltr)
Engine (D)
Product 1
Qualsyn PCMO FS 0W-30 2312 (a, b, c)
Product 2
Qualsyn MS FS 0W30 C2
Transmission (Automatic) (7-speed)
Qualube FS ATF MF
Transfer box
Product 1
Qualube ATF Type D3 (d)
Product 2
Qualube FS ATF MF
Transmission (Manual)
Product 1
Qualube SS 75W90
Product 2
Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90
Transmission (Automatic) (6-speed)
Qualube FS ATF MF
Differential - front
Product 1
Qualube HD EP 80W90
Product 2
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90
Product 3
Qualube LS HD EP 80W90
Differential - rear (Rear coil spring suspension)
Product 1
Qualube HD EP 80W90
Product 2
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90
Product 3
Qualube LS HD EP 80W90
Differential - rear (Independent rear suspension)
Product 1
Qualube HD EP 80W90
Product 2
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90
Product 3
Qualube LS HD EP 80W90
Qualube Qualguard Si-OAT Coolant (e)
Brake system
Product 1
Qualube Brake Fluid DOT4 (f, g)
Product 2
Qualube Brake Fluid DOT5.1
Power Steering
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Air conditioning (With R134a refrigerant)
(h, i)
Contact with our Technical Team
Air conditioning (With R1234yf refrigerant)
(j, k)
DEF tank
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Lubricant / Capacity Notes

a. Change intervals, Driving Condition: Normal conditions: 12500 miles, 12 months
b. Change intervals, Driving Condition: Severe conditions: 4500 miles, 6 months
c. Alternative recommendations: Qualsyn MS FS 5W30 C3; Qualsyn MS FS 5W30 C3 / Qualsyn MS FS 5W30 VAG
d. Alternative recommendations: Qualube ATF Type D / Qualube FS ATF MF
e. De-ionised water with 50% anti-freeze
f. Change intervals, Driving Condition: Normal conditions: 24 months
g. Change intervals, Driving Condition: Severe conditions: 12 months
h. Without rear air conditioning, 520 - 580 g
i. With rear air conditioning, 820 - 880 g
j. Without rear air conditioning, 490 - 550 g
k. With rear air conditioning, 770 - 830 g

General Notes

There are no notes to display for this model

Oil Change Intervals

Transmission (Automatic) (7-speed)
Miles Max 36000
Months Max 48
Transfer box
Miles Max 36000
Months Max 48
Transmission (Manual)
Miles Max 72000
Transmission (Automatic) (6-speed)
Miles Max 36000
Months Max 48
Differential - front
Miles Max 72000
Differential - rear (Rear coil spring suspension)
Miles Max 72000
Differential - rear (Independent rear suspension)
Miles Max 72000
Miles Max 63000
Months Max 36
Power Steering
Miles Max 36000
Months Max 48