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Capacity (ltr)
Engine (D)
Product 1
Qualube Endurasyn SS 10W-40 (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k)
Product 2
Qualube Extendol 10W40
Product 3
Qualsyn PCMO SS 10W40
Transmission (Automatic)
Product 1
Qualube ATF Type D3
Product 2
Qualube FS ATF MF
Transfer box
Qualube FS ATF MF (l, m, n, o, p, q, r)
Transmission (Manual)
Product 1
Qualube Agri - Supreme 10W30 (s, t, u, v, w, x)
2.0 / 5.1
Product 2
Qualube EP 80
Product 3
Qualube Syntogear 75W80 FE
Differential - front
Product 1
Qualube HD EP 80W90 (y, z, ba, bb, bc, bd, be)
Product 2
Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90
Product 3
Qualube LS HD EP 80W90
Differential - rear
Qualube LSHDEP 85W140 (bf, bg)
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Brake system
Product 1
Qualube Brake Fluid DOT4
Product 2
Qualube Brake Fluid DOT5.1
Power Steering
Product 1
Qualube ATF Type D3
Product 2
Qualube FS ATF MF
Air conditioning
Contact with our Technical Team

Lubricant / Capacity Notes

a. -20°C to 30°C
b. Alternative recommendations, <15°C: Contact with our Technical Team
c. Alternative recommendations, <-10°C: Contact with our Technical Team
d. Alternative recommendations, -20°C to 30°C: Qualsyn PCMO SS 10W40
e. Alternative recommendations, -20°C to 20°C: Qualube Extremol FS 10W30 / Qualube Endurasyn SS 10W-30 / Qualube Agri - Supreme 10W30; Qualube Agri - Supreme 10W30 / Qualube S1 10W30
f. Alternative recommendations, -20°C to 0°C: Qualube Eurofleet 10; Qualube Eurofleet 10 / Qualube S1 HD 10
g. Alternative recommendations, >-20°C: Contact with our Technical Team; Qualube Endurol 15W40 / Qualube Eurofleet 15W40 / Qualube Endurasyn SS 10W-40; Qualube Endurol 15W40 / Qualube Eurofleet 15W40 / Qualsyn PCMO SS 10W40
h. Alternative recommendations, -10°C to 20°C: Qualube Eurofleet 10; Qualube Eurofleet 10 / Qualube S1 HD 10
i. Alternative recommendations, >-10°C: Qualube Endurol 15W40 / Qualube Eurofleet 15W40; Qualube Eurofleet 20W50
j. Alternative recommendations, 0°C to 30°C: Qualube Extremol FS 10W30 / Qualube Endurasyn SS 10W-30 / Qualube Agri - Supreme 10W30; Qualube Agri - Supreme 10W30 / Qualube Eurofleet 30 / Qualube S1 HD 30
k. Alternative recommendations, >20°C: Qualube Endurol 15W40 / Qualube Eurofleet 40; Qualube Eurofleet 50; Qualube Endurol 15W40 / Qualube Eurofleet 40 / Qualube S1 HD 40; Qualube Eurofleet 50 / Qualube S1 HD 50
l. Alternative recommendations: Qualube ATF Type D3 / Qualube FS ATF MF
m. Alternative recommendations, <40°C: Qualube SS 75W90 / Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90 / Qualube Syntogear SG 75W-90; Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 / Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90 / Qualube EP 80W90
n. Alternative recommendations, <30°C: Qualube Agri - Supreme 10W30 / Qualube EP 80 / Qualube Syntogear 75W80 FE
o. Alternative recommendations, <10°C: Contact with our Technical Team
p. Alternative recommendations, -10°C to 30°C: Contact with our Technical Team
q. Alternative recommendations, 0°C to 40°C: Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 / Qualube SS 75W90 / Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90
r. Alternative recommendations, >10°C: Qualube EP 140 / Qualube EP 85W140
s. <30°C
t. Alternative recommendations, <40°C: Qualube SS 75W90 / Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90 / Qualube Syntogear SG 75W-90; Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 / Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90 / Qualube EP 80W90
u. Alternative recommendations, <10°C: Contact with our Technical Team
v. Alternative recommendations, -10°C to 30°C: Contact with our Technical Team
w. Alternative recommendations, 0°C to 40°C: Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90 / Qualube SS 75W90 / Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90
x. Alternative recommendations, >10°C: Qualube EP 140 / Qualube EP 85W140
y. Preferred lubricant specification & <40°C
z. Alternative recommendations, <40°C: Qualube SS 75W90 / Qualube Syntogear FS TDL 75W90
ba. Alternative recommendations, <30°C: Qualube HD EP 80
bb. Alternative recommendations, <10°C: Contact with our Technical Team
bc. Alternative recommendations, -10°C to 30°C: Contact with our Technical Team
bd. Alternative recommendations, 0°C to 40°C: Qualube HD EP 90 / Qualube HD EP 80W90 / Qualube Syntogear TDL 80W90
be. Alternative recommendations, >10°C: Qualube Syntogear SA 75W-140 / Qualube HD EP 85W140 / Qualube LSHDEP 85W140
bf. Hypoid LSD
bg. Alternative recommendations, + 10% friction modifier: Contact with our Technical Team

General Notes

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Oil Change Intervals

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